CRC .NET control is a checksum calculation library for .NET developers Editor: Many developers ofte...
QRCode 2D Barcode .Net Control BSEditor: MW6 QRCode .NET control is a flexible and reliable .NET com...
XModem/YModem/ZModem/Kermit .Net Control Edit By BS Editor: MegaPipe .NET Control supports the proto...
FontListCombo - Font picker .NET control, arrange and manage fonts with ease. EditByBSEditor: DMCont...
DMControls.ColorPicker - .NET control for choosing color from any screen region BS Editor: DMControl...
CharMap .NET control for character selection, Character Map in your application BS Editor: DMControl...
CharMap .NET control for character selection, Character Map in your application EditBy: CharMap is a...
DMControls.ColorMixer is a .NET control for color sampling and mixing. BSEditor: DMControls.ColorMix...
DMControls.Lens is a .NET control for zooming meant for software developers BS Editor: DMControls.Le...
FontListCombo - Font picker .NET control, arrange and manage fonts with ease. EditByBSEditor: DMCont...
DMControls.ColorPicker - .NET control for choosing color from any screen region BS Editor: DMControl...
CharMap .NET control for character selection, Character Map in your application EditBy: CharMap is a...
DMControls.ColorMixer is a .NET control for color sampling and mixing. BSEditor: DMControls.ColorMix...
DMControls.Lens is a .NET control for zooming meant for software developers BS Editor: DMControls.Le...