Merge Excel cells preserving all data, join by rows or columns. Edit by : Merge Cells Wizard is an a...
Merge Cells Wizard is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that merges, or joins, data. Editor: Merge Cell...
Quickly and easily convert text between upper, lower, and proper case. Quickly and easily convert te...
Protect or unprotect one or many files in MS Excel files. BS Editor: Protect or unprotect one or man...
Protect or Unprotect Multiple Excel Worksheets and Workbooks EditByBSEditor: The software can Protec...
Excel Extract Images From Multiple Workbooks Software BSEditor: In one or more MS Excel files, Extra...
Create combinations from multiple sets of cells in MS Excel files. Excel Create Combinations From Mu...
Combine data in many MS Excel files into one sheet or individual sheets per file Editor: Combine da...
Add text to beginning, end or inside of a block of selected cells in MS Excel. Add text to beginning...
Change case of a block of selected cells in MS Excel. Change case of a block of selected cells in MS...
Quickly format cell numbers as sig. digits in MS Excel. Quickly format cell numbers as sig. Digits i...
multiple cells with formulas, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing. EditBy: Excel Math to mult...
Excel Merge Cells to merge join and combine two or more cells in excel. Edit by : Excel Merge Cells ...
Excel Add Data Text or characters to multiple cells within a spreadsheet. Edit by : Excel Add Data T...