Free Excel add-in /plugin for easy pivot table formatting Editor: Excel Pivot Table Helper is a free...
Automatic update and management of Stock Quotes into your Excel spreadsheets. BS Editor: Stock Quote...
Find and extract specific cells, values and text in multiple Excel files. Edit by : Use this applica...
Quickly swap selected rows or columns without having to copy and paste. EditByBSEditor: Quickly Swap...
SQL Drill adds easy database access to Excel. Edit by : Welcome to the SQL Drill site ! - SQL Drill...
Add or subtract hours, minutes, seconds, years, months, days to selected cells. EditByBSEditor: Add ...
Insert blank rows and columns between selected cells in MS Excel. Edit By BS Editor: Excel Insert Bl...
Change regular cells to blue underlined links to web and email addresses. BSEditor: Change regular c...
Remove or replace certain characters, spaces, enters, tabs in Excel. BS Editor: Excel Remove (Delete...
Use Excel as front-end GUI to your Oracle database. EditBy: Use MS Excel as a front-end interface to...
Apply math operations to selected Excel cells. EditBy: Apply a math operation (add, subtract, multip...
Easily automate your macros with this powerful yet simple to use Excel add-in. Edit By BS Editor: Ma...
ChemicalSorting is an advanced sorting Add-In tool for Microsoft Excel. Editor: ChemicalSorting is ...
Excel Add Data Text or characters to multiple cells within a spreadsheet. Edit by : Excel Add Data T...