Web based help desk that tracks incidents, integrates with e-mail and more. EditBy: Polar Help Desk ...
This is an SNTP time synchronization client/server NT service. Edit By BS Editor: This is an SNTP Ti...
Tftpd32 includes DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers as well as a TFTP client. Editor: Tftpd32 incl...
Putting any Perl/PHP/MySQL/SQLite-based website on CDROM. Edit By BS Editor: SPWS is an advanced imp...
ManageEngine VM Health Monitor tool will address this monitoring requirement. BSEditor: The ManageEn...
enable many computers to share an internet connection EditByBSEditor: FreeProxy is professional Free...
It is open-source software that implements the Dynamic Host Configuration. Edit By BS Editor: ISC DH...
Reduce downtime and be the first to know when a server or network device fails. EditBy: Reduce DownT...
Monitor and control disk space and provide reliable notification. Editor: Abaiko Disk Space Monitor...
Provides both SMTP and POP3 protocols. Support Dialup Network. Use cheap mode... Edit By BS Editor: ...
This disc contains remote administration tools, documentation. Edit by : This disc contains remote a...
Go Wireless with TracerPlus and TracerPlus Wireless Server. Editor: Real time mobile applications ar...
TrustPort Phoenix Rebel Servers is a comprehensive server. EditByBSEditor: TrustPort Phoenix Rebel S...
Remote access server for Windows 2003/XP/2000 for console-based applications. EditBy: Zilab Remote C...