Mingw 5-1-4
windows mingw.org..
Mingw 5-1-4
windows mingw.org..
Koepi Xvid 1-2-2
windows Koepi..
Mplayer Control 1-0-1
windows zelenat..
Matrix Plugin For Mac Os X 2-5
windows Bob Delaney..
The Gimp 2-4-3
windows GIMP Team..
Xdelta 3-0u
windows Josh MacDonald..
Neuron Visual C++ 1-0 B7
windows Neuron Computing Inc...
Cidee 0-0-8-3
windows SourceForge, Inc..
Octopod For C++ 3-1
windows Octopod Group..
Resedit 1-5-4
windows Julien Audo..
Makefile Creator 1-0-3-0
windows mazin sw..
C-free Pro 5-0-0-3314
windows Program Arts Software..
Dialogblocks For Linux 4-36
windows Anthemion Software..
Gcide 0-01
windows Uniwersytet Opolski..
C-free Standard 4-0 Standard
windows Program Arts Software..
Ultimate++ Ide For Liunx 2008-1
windows ultimatepp.org..
Ultimate++ Ide 2008-1
windows ultimatepp.org..
Neuron Developer Studio 1-0 B7
windows Neuron Computing Inc...
Clientserver Comm Library For Cc++ 6-1-1
windows MarshallSoft Computing, Inc...
Nitro++ 1-3-41
windows Alexey Dodonov..
Molebox Pro 4-1789
windows Teggo..
Wsq Image Library (for Fingerprints) 3-6
windows Cognaxon..
The Ziparchive Library 3-2-0
windows Artpol Software..
Ltprof 1-5
windows Lightweight Technologies..