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iChrist: The Complete Searchable Quotes of Jesus Christ King James Version 1.0
iChrist: The Complete Searchable Quotes of Jesus Christ King James Version 1.0
Authorize : Purchase

Size : 1.3 MB

Publisher : Lou Meza

OS Support : Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

  • USA
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Jesus Christ c.33ADnnnWHAT IS iCHRIST?nniChrist contains the most powerful and influential words ever spoken in human history.iChrist is an intuitive, easy to use, digital tool which contains the complete "searchable" quotes from the world's most renowned revolutionary, Jesus Christ.nnTHE POWER BEHIND THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRISTnnDid Christ speak literally when he spoke of our ability to move mountains? Certainly, mountains have since been moved. Did he speak literally when he said we must be born again? What about when he spoke of destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days? Or when he commanded us to be perfect? The fact that Christ often spoke in metaphor and parable is undisputed. What is recently and increasingly disputed however, is the degree of historical accuracy contained within the writings which report on his life. In the midst of this academic, religious and political dispute, a plethora of spin and propaganda has accumulated. Hundreds of bible versions have been compiled. Thousands of academic articles have been published. Multitudes of sermons, speeches and dissertations have been written. Political campaigns have been formulated. Propaganda has been choreographed, and yes, even revolutions have been formed because of him.nnWHO IS JESUS CHRIST?nnHe is undoubtedly the single most influential figure in all of human history. His name has disseminated throughout even the most obscure regions of the world. He has influenced and inspired more minds and movements than can be counted. Wars have been fought over him. Lives have been given and taken for his names sake. Movies have been made about him. Books have been inspired by him. Musicians sing about him. Symbols have been propagated to reflect him. And yet, few really know him.He is known as the Son of God, the Messiah, and the Holy One of God. The Savior and the Son of Man. The Way, the Truth and the Life. Emmanuel, the Lamb of God, and the Light of the World. Some know him as the Word, the Alpha and the Omega. Lord of lords and King of kings. The Creator and the Bread of Life. But to most, he is simply, Jesus Christ.n

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