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Blackjack Domination: Learn Strategy & Card Counting from Las Vegas Pros 3.7
Blackjack Domination: Learn Strategy & Card Counting from Las Vegas Pros 3.7
Authorize : Purchase

Size : 312.1M

Publisher : Open Air Publishing Inc.

OS Support : iOS 2.0 or higher

  • USA
Casinos, beware. Discover how to beat the house with Jeff Ma, the (in)famous MIT card counter and inspiration for the movie “21,” and friends. Made for complete novices and advanced players alike, “Blackjack Domination” allows you to master blackjack through touch, sight, and sound—guided by three professional blackjack players.

Remember: Card counting isn’t illegal. The casinos just don’t like it. Read this book and become the casinos’ worst enemy.

“Blackjack Domination” is a book made exclusively for the iPad and iPhone, and includes:
• 25 HD videos
• Dozens of interactive slideshows and guided tours—strategy charts range from novice to highly advanced
• 1,000 blackjack strategy flashcards, right in the book
• Quick-reference glossary and pop-up tips with key terms and definitions accessible throughout

► Watch the short trailer video at betterbook.com/blackjack

• “Made by Open Air Publishing, the masterminds who created my favorite cocktail app book, Speakeasy Cocktails, Blackjack Domination is perfect for any beginner who dilly-dallies at the blackjack table or an experienced money handler who is looking for some new tricks to beat a winnable game.”—GIZMODO

• “Blackjack Domination is a genuinely fascinating book to read, even for those not planning to hit the Blackjack tables in Vegas any time soon. Like the rest of the Open Air Publishing series of apps, Blackjack Domination instills plenty of passion within a knowledgeable and useful book.”—148APPS

Learn Strategy and Card Counting from the Pros
• 25 HD videos featuring our two blackjack experts, Charlie Ruehr and Derek Sutta.
• Exclusive tips and stories, straight from Jeff Ma—from practicing strategy to getting your cover story straight, hear the top blackjack secrets straight from the lips of blackjack legend Jeff Ma.

Practice on Your Flight to Vegas
• Ditch those ratty index cards (so 20th century). We’ve built in more than 1,000 flashcards to practice strategy anytime and anywhere you have your iPad or iPhone. Even a little practice will go a long way.

Get Free Stuff from the Casinos
• Dinner, drinks, and hotel rooms. We’ll teach you how to rack up tons of free stuff from the casino, even as you’re winning all their money. Learn to dress the part, mask your expert-level play, and make the casino think you’re some regular ol’ gambler.

Jeff Ma was an MIT card counter in the 1990s and inspiration for the main character in the book Bringing Down the House and the film “21.” He has retired from professional blackjack and has since wrote the book “The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business”

Charlie Ruehr has been playing professional blackjack since he was a junior in college at Northwestern University. He has never lost money on a card counting expedition, winning more than $100,000 playing blackjack and getting banned from more than 15 casinos along the way.

Derek Sutta’s blackjack career started when he realized counting cards was far more lucrative than working as a management consultant. Derek and his teams have traveled all over the United States, playing blackjack with half million dollar bankrolls resulting in massive winnings. Between card counting trips he earned his M.B.A. from The Wharton School and is no longer welcome in twelve casinos.

Charlie and Derek have logged more than 1,000 hours playing blackjack and won hundreds of thousands of dollars from the casinos.

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