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wancrypt 1-01
wancrypt 1-01
Authorize : Freeware Free

Requirements : No special requirements

Publisher : J?tadskleiv

OfficeWebsite : http://home.no.net/fenja256

OS Support : Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

  • USA
WanCrypt is a program for text encryption.
Using WanCrypt in a Lan is easy but in Wan and Internet there are some challenges.

If you are using ordinary Modem or ISDN check your local IP in the menue of TeleMorse.
This The IP address your friend is using as his target ip address.

If you are behind a fire wall or router you must tell you router/firewall to forward all data
coming to port 1001 (Default port on TeleMorse). To your PC local ip address.
If your local IP address is the tell your firewall to forward the IP address to
this address. If you are sending messages to another PC on the Internet.
The Target address is this PC Internet address (not his local ip address).
If you dont know your Internet address than go to a web page that displays this address. you can free download WanCrypt 1.01 now.

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