devgems data modeler 1-4-0-1
Connection Pool for Delphi - A connection pool is a cache of open connections that can be used and reused, thus cutting down on the overhead of creating and destroying database connections.
Connection pooling is a method for conserving scarce database resources by managing a pool of connections among concurrently active clients.
Connection Pool provides developers a way to easily cache open connections to databases. This is useful in server environments since opening database connections can be slow.
Why you need a connection pool? As example: a dynamic web site generates HTML pages from information stored in a database. Each request for a page results in a database access. But connecting to a database is a time consuming activity since the database must allocate communication and memory resources as well as authenticate the user and set up the corresponding security context. The exact time varies, of course, but it is not unusual to see connection times of one or two seconds. Establishing the connection once and then use the same connection for subsequent requests can therefore dramatically improve the performance of a database driven web application.
devgems data modeler 1-4-0-1
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