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buttonbar component 1-00
buttonbar component 1-00
Authorize : Freeware Free

Requirements : No special requirements

Publisher : Priyatna Codes

OfficeWebsite : http://www.priyatna.org/

OS Support : Windows XP, 2000, 98

  • USA
ButtonBar is a free Visual Component Library (VCL) for Delphi
ButtonBar is a free Visual Component Library (VCL) for Delphi. It is a button bar that takes a list of strings as its captions and accepts an imagelist as its glyphs. It shows the currently selected button in down state. It can show buttons horizontally or vertically. It is an alternative to toolbar or speed buttons.

I forgot the reason why I created this component. Its created sometime ago, around 2003. But I think it may be useful for some people.

# property ButtonWidth: Integer;
Specifies button width.

# property ButtonHeight: Integer;
Specifies button height.

# property Images: TImageList;
Specifies an image list for buttons.

# property Buttons: TStringList;
Specifies captions for buttons. Each String represents one button.

# property Hints: TStringList;
Specifies hints for buttons. Each string represents one button hint.

# property ItemIndex: Integer;
Specifies currently selected button index.

# property ShowCaptions: Boolean;
Specifies caption visibility.

# property Direction: TBarDirection;
Specifies how to layout the buttons, horizontally or vertically. you can free download ButtonBar Component 1.00 now.

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