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Photo Shield 1.0.8 (131202)
Photo Shield 1.0.8 (131202)
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 1.4MB

Publisher : Nuvolect LLC

  • USA
Photo Shield manages a vault of your photo EXIF data. New photos are automatically cleaned for sharing with others. You can restore photo locations and map photo locationss on demand.
Photo Shield securely manage GPS location data in your photos. It cleans EXIF data from your photos and archives this sensitive information until you need it. When you take new photos it automatically cleans and archives each one. Your photos can be shared without worries of someone knowing where a photo was taken. Want to restore EXIF data? You can do that too.
You can clean and archive your photos in bulk, or one at a time. If you enable Auto-Clean, it will scan and clean photos as you take them. It is fully integrated with Android and works with the apps that you use every day such as the camera app and the gallery app.
It’s simple, free and easy!
Getting started:
1. Select "Scan" to see if you have pictures with EXIF data
2. Select "Archive" to clean and archive all of the photos already on your phone
3. Enable Auto-Clean
Thats it, your done! Use the standard Android Camera app to take your pictures.
How To Confirm EXIF Data Has Been Removed:
1. Open a photo in the standard Android Gallery app
2. Select Details or Show on Map (option not available when EXIF data is clean)
3. Confirm that location is not displayed
Note: Few people know that Android's media system stores a copy your photo EXIF data. If you only clean the photos, there is still a copy of the EXIF data in Android. Photo Shield solve this problem too, check it out.
Need to restore EXIF data or work with one file at a time?
1. Select a photo in the Gallery app
2. Select menu-Share and then Photo Shield
3. Select "Restore Location" and you are done!
App Permissions:
1. Boot complete - To support Auto-Clean, Photo Shield starts when you start your phone
2. Write external storage - Photo Shield will erase EXIF data from pictures
3. Internet access - Photo Shield uses an on-line Help web page and Google Analytics

Photo Shield is not guaranteed to clean all of your phone’s pictures. Photo Shield can clean: a) valid JPG files that b) it has access to, and c) that it has write-privileges to, assuming that d) the device has enough free space to operate. Pictures created that are hidden to Photo Shield cannot be cleaned. Some applications have an ability to create and distribute pictures in private memory that is not accessible to Photo Shield. Pictures taken with Android’s standard Camera application are stored in a public folder and will be cleaned by Photo Shield given conditions {a, b, c, d} above. Photo Shield requires a minimal amount of storage space. Photo Shield will not operate on devices that don’t have any free space.

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