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3D Image Viewer for HTC EVO 3D 1.9
3D Image Viewer for HTC EVO 3D 1.9
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 747.1KB

Publisher : HJ200

  • USA
View your .mpo and .jps files on HTC Sense and non-Sense ROMs in true 3D (tested on JB 4.3 CyanogenMod 10.2 & Sense 4.1 ICS 4.0.3)
Open files from the gallery 3D app or open files using your favorite file explorer choose image -> ImageView 3D and set it as default application.
Swipe gestures supported (left-right), gray overlay means the application is loading the next image.
Long-press the image to toggle the action bar.
Phereo support
As you guys might have seen, Phereo no longer supports the HTC EVO 3D 4.1+ ROMs (a.k.a. 3D display is not recognized)
Using the share button in Phereo, you can view the image in 3D again using the "Open 3D Phereo url". Phereo shares the url as plain text, which means you'll see this share option in a lot of other apps which can share text. No fix found yet to exclude all others..
Fix rotation in fullscreen Redraw after file deletion
v1.9 Fixed left/right eye switched for weird aspect ratios, added nr of columns togglebutton, added fullscreen listview button, implemented snapped scrolling
v1.8 Implemented png thumbnail loading
v1.7 Added 2D view, implemented left/right eye toggling
v1.6 Improved thumb loading speed, added portrait view, fixed OutOfMemory exceptions
v1.5 Added jpg file loading & thumbs, improved thumbnail load speed, improved 3D mode switching. Added long-click selection from thumb grid.
v1.4 Improved 3D switching between views, added Android 4.0.3 support, fixed mpo file opening
v1.3 Added Gallery, fixed aspect ratio problems
v1.2 Changed to floating action bar, improved file sharing (share as file instead of mpo or jps), added Phereo support (share from Phereo to ImageView 3D)
v1.1 Added actionbar
v1.0 Initial release

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