- Player FM - Podcast Discovery 1.3.3
- Authorize : Freeware
- Size : 10.2MB
- Publisher : Player FM
The cloud-first podcast discovery app that "makes podcasts look cool again" according to GigaOM. Explore over 300 hand-picked mix-channels on specific topics (e.g. Cinema, Gadgets, Baseball, Learn English) or search by title if you know it. Play your discoveries right now or hit Play Later to store interesting episodes offline (like Pocket for podcasts). Your subscriptions sync across devices - no need to re-add them for each device, and great peace of mind for anyone who's ever left their phone in the back of a taxi (just saying).
Our servers track and mix your latest shows, saving you bandwidth and battery life, and letting you sync in seconds instead of minutes. Offline access is child's play too, thanks to our flexible Auto-Downloads feature. Oh, and it's free.
"Right from the start, I found the experience of using Player FM enjoyable. Searching for new podcasts was a breeze...surprised this app is free."
- Tested
"Guides you to smart, interesting podcasts based on category, channel, or even specific topics"
- LifeHacker
"Attractive UI...What this new app really brings to the table is the way it presents new content to podcast listeners"
- Android Central
• Stream or sync...your choice. It's simple to stream endlessly from online sources just like a radio (think Pandora or Stitcher), and we support syncing so you can play offline, anytime, with plenty of options (download limits, wifi-only, custom folder, etc). Playing is a breeze too - view progress of each show, resume where you left off, and hide completed episodes.
• Polished interface optimised for tablets as well as phones lets you swipe through shows like a magazine. And also a full-featured web app at http://player.fm. Search, browse, play, and manage your subscriptions from any browser
• Search over 20,000 series/feeds and add more by URL. OPML works too, so you can import your subscriptions from iTunes, IPP Podcast Player, PocketCasts, etc. It works the other way too - you can easily exported to OPML - no lock in here!
• Our mix channels go deep. There's not just a "TV" channel, but numerous channels dedicated to "Mad Men", "Game of Thrones", etc.. Not just "Tech" but "Android", "Gadgets", "Programming", "Java". Our (human!) experts organise many sub-genres of sports, arts, technology, language-learning, etc. These aren't static catalogues, but *live* playable channels mixing episodes. Follow favorite topics and subscribe to favorite series.
• Browse full descriptions and share with other apps. See what's new and hit Play Later. It all works offline too and will automatically sync up when you're back online. Supports Android Share feature to share episodes and series.
• Dive into the full history of any series, not just your subscriptions; if it's in their feed, you can play it on Player FM.
• Play in the background and control via our homescreen and lock-screen podcast player widgets, pull-down notifications. Bluetooth controls too.
• Always free! No ads, star up to 50 topics, manage up to 20 subscriptions. Gain more subscriptions by inviting friends (http://player.fm/invites). We're trialling a Pro account with unlimited subscriptions and other benefits.
Recent Play reviews:
***** "Brilliantly useful, fantastically intuitive, beautiful UI"
***** "This is the best podcast app ever"
***** "It's a store house of knowledge"
***** "Everything you need is here! I love this app"
***** "There aren't words to describe this app... It is totally perfect"
***** "Excellent app. Easy and intuitive to use. Programmer gives this app a lot of love and attention and it shows"
***** "Love the offline function"
***** "Best app on the market, with the biggest variety of entertainment out there"
We love your feedback and respond quickly to every mail, so get in touch at android@player.fm if you have any questions or suggestions! Or just to say hi (no, really!).