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tiny Lisp ISLisproid 5.2
tiny Lisp ISLisproid 5.2
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 30k

Publisher : GOMI Hiroshi

OS Support : 2.2 and up

  • USA
Tiny Lisp System on Android
Shelllike userinterface
tiny Lisp interpreter system on Android.
Shell like userinterface is used.
In ver 3.0, the history facility is added.
In ver 4.0, Android functions are supportedTOAST, DigitalClock.
In ver 4.1, load like load quot;test.lspquot; and save quot;test.lspquot; quot;defun foo 123quot;is supported.
In ver 4.3, the string type is supported.
In ver 5.0, loadsave fromto an external storage are supported.
For Example,
test.lsp in mntsdcardinfo.gomi.android.lisp.islisp
defun foo
defun bar x y
cons x y
In ver5.1, if there is a start.lsp, it is loaded in start.
progn is supported.
You can insert a new line in Sexp of file.

Built in functions are;
car cdr cons list consp setcar setcdr length
gt; lt; gt; lt; numberp
setq defun if eval eq quote
symbolfunction setsymbolfunction
oblist funlist
toast clock load save
stringp symbolname
print prin1 princ terpri
written in Java
equal eql zerop not append
written in Sexpression
demonstration programs are;
tarai tak hanoi
The other android widget quot;Lisp joke Widgetquot;, please.

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