NFC Smart Card Info 1.2.1
NFC Smart Card Info 1.2.1
API Demos 4.1.2 Jelly Bean 1.0.1
Test Install 1.2.1
Sony Xperia Z iLock 1.0.1
MBG AppMaker Select 1.2.1
FreeMP3Droid 1.3.1 2.2.1
Vitamio Plugin ARMv6+VFP 1.2.8
Vitamio Plugin ARMv6 1.2.8
Shortcut to Intent 1.2.1
BN Pro LcdD HD Text 1.2
BN Pro White HD Text 1.2
Vitamio Plugin ARMv7+NEON 1.2.8
Vitamio Plugin ARMv7 1.2.8
DomoticHome with Arduino 1.0.1