- TeeChart 1.8
- Authorize : Freeware
- Size : 1.5M
- Publisher : Steema Software
- OS Support : 1.6 and up
Steema Software, delivering components for developers since 1996.
Charting and graphing Java library for Android. Supports Android v2.1 and greater.
TeeChart is a developer tool for Android developers that adds charts to your Android application. TeeChart provides complete, quick and easy to use charting .NET, Java, ActiveX COM, PHP and Delphi VCL controls for business, Realtime, Financial and Scientific applications.
This preview is intended to show some of the features that are available to developers. The Developer version is now available for evaluation at http:www.steema.comdownloadjava.
The release version of TeeChart for Android Charting component Library offers optional 100 sourcecode in Android Java AWTSwing and SWT format are available too from Steema Software. It supports major Java programming environments including IBM Eclipse, Sun NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Oracle JDeveloper.
The charting library offers 50 Java Chart styles in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations, 38 mathematical functions and 20 Chart tools components for additional functionality including dragging of series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc.
Charting styles:
Line Tape, Points Scatter XY and XYZ 3D Scatter, Area Stacked and negative, FastLine realtime speed, Horizontal Line, Bar and Horizontal Bar Stacked and negative, Pie Exploded, partial angle, Shape Cube, Pyramid, Cylinder, etc, Arrow Callout, Bubble, Gantt, Candle Finantial OHLC HighLow, Donut Exploded Doughnut, Volume Stock, Bar 3D, Points 3D, Polar, Radar, clock WindRose, Pyramid, Surface XYZ Grid Mesh, LinePoint, BarJoin.class, ColorGrid, Waterfall, Histogram, Error, ErrorBar, Contour Contouring Levels, Smith, calendar HighLow, TriSurface Voronoi triangulation of arbitrary XYZ points, Funnel, Box Box Whisker, Horizontal Box, Horizontal Area, Tower, Point and Figure, Gauges, Vector 3D, Map Mapping GIS, Bezier, Bar with Image, IsoSurface Auto Leveled XYZ Mesh, Circular Gauge, Linear Gauge, Vertical Linear Gauge, Horizontal Histogram.
Feature Summary:
50 Chart styles in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations including Gauges
38 mathematical functions
100 sourcecode for Android Java
Runtime Editor, gallery dialogs
20 Chart Tool components for additional functionality, like dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc
Chart Grid component to manage data
Multipleaxis support both horizontal and vertical
Customisation of axis labels and legend items
Great cosmetic properties for all texts and drawings
Complete set of chart styles, both in 2D and 3D
live and animated zoom and scroll. Multitouch and mouse wheel supported
2D and 3D
Custom drawing canvas
Extensive demos
Design and runtime integrated Chart and Series editor
New improved Javadoc format help plus Tutorials
Many new visual features, transparency, colour gradients, grayscale.
Mathematical and statistical functions:
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, High, Low, Average, Count,
Momentum, Momentum Division, Cumulative, Exponential Average, Smoothing, Custom User Defined, Root Mean Square,
Standard Deviation StdDeviation, Stochastic, Exponential Moving Average, Performance, CrossPoints, Compress OHLC,
CLV, OBV, CCI, Moving Average, PVO, DownSampling,
Trend, Correlation, Variance, Perimeter, CurveFitting,
ADX, Bollinger, MACD, SAR, RSI, Histogram Function.