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Sahih Al-Bukhari 0.9.5beta
Sahih Al-Bukhari 0.9.5beta
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 4.6M

Publisher : CodeStop

OS Support : 1.6 and up

  • USA
Sahih AlBukhari EnglishArabic
Read, search Save, Tag, Share
Free. No adds.
Hadith collection from Sahih AlBukhari. Translated by M. Muhsin Khan.
New in version 0.9.5 beta:
english and Arabic text with or without Tashkeelharakat
option to disable dual pane when in landscape mode
some improvement in search remembers previous queries, voice search
bug fixes

Text size can be changed for reading.
In landscape mode, display uses dualpane for easy navigation between chapters.
Several options available for sharing.
Share using SMS
Share using Email
Copy text of hadith to the clipboard to be pasted wherever you want
App can let you find other means of sharing available on your device.
Put you own tags on hadith. Allows you to create your own collection on a topic. Tags can be made visible or invisible under 39;Settings39;. Practically unlimited number of tags can be created. Entire search result can be tagged.
Export Tags: Allows you to export your tags outside this app. Either save it in a text file on the external storage SD Card or email it.
Import Tags: Allows you to merge tags from a file as created when you export tags.
Search is performed using full text search capability of SQLite FTS3.
To search for all words starting with a prefix use a 39;39; after the prefix:
e.g. To match all of these terms LINUX, LINEAR, LINKER, LINGUISTIC and so on, search for LIN.
To search for an exact phrase, use double quotes.
e.g To search for the phrase GOOD INTENTIONS, search for GOOD INTENTIONS.
To search for a hadith by its number, simply search for its 39;volume and hadith number39; or 39;volume, book and hadith number39;.
Boolean Operators:
Boolean AND, OR and NOT supported in search. AND is implied when words are separated by a space and should not be part of the search term.
To use NOT operator use 39;39; as a prefix for the word e.g. GOOD INTENTIONS, searches for text which has the word GOOD but doesn39;t have the word INTENTIONS in it.
Search results can be saved by putting a tag on it.
Please Note: Text is derived from whats freely available on the internet. It does contain data entry errors or other types of error as found on other internet sources. A mechanism has been built into this app to report such hadith and inshaAllah an effort will be made to correct it if possible. For the English text Darrussalam has a claim on the copyright. Text was used with their permission.

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