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People of the eBooks 2.2.10
People of the eBooks 2.2.10
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 7.9M

Publisher : POB

OS Support : 2.1 and up

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People of the eBooks is a portal to a world of original and classic digital books about everything and anything Jewish and Israeli. Our writers and publishers are from all over the world and our ebooks include texts in english Spanish, French, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian and Swedish We also have free ebooks. Subjects vary from the most basic to the esoteric and include both fiction and nonfiction works. Hereyou will find content dealing with Ancient Books Rare Manuscripts, Business Ethics,Charity, Chassidus, Breslov, Chabad, Classic, Contemporary, dictionaries Ecology, Education, Academic, Children 15, Doctorate, Elementary 512, Teen 1619, Tweens 1315, Fiction, Food, Ethnic, Recipes, Graphic Novels, Health, History, Holidays, 9th of Av, Hanukkah,Lag BaOmer, Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, ShabbatShabbos, Shavuot, Succot, Tu B39;shvat, Yom Ha39;atzmaut, Yom Kippur, Yom Yerushalyim, Holocaust, Humor, Jewish communities Jewish Fashion, Jewish Home, Jewish Music, Jewish Personalities, Auto Biographies, Biographies,Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Vacation and Travel, Land of Israel, Life, Death and Burial, Mourning amp; Kaddish, Life styles, Marriage, Counseling, Divorce, Young couples, Medicine amp; Healing,,Noahide, Novels, Parenting, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Anybodys Guess, Left Right, Science, Simcha, Bar Mitzva, Bat Mitzva, Brit Wedding, Torah, Esoteric, Law, Mishna, Mussar Movement, Parashat Hashavua, Practical, Prayer, Shiurim, Talmud, and the Temple.
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It doesn39;t matter if you are a Jewish, Haredi, UltraOrthodox, Yeshivish, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, or even nonJewish Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, Muslim or even atheist or agnostic you will find a book worth your time at POB.

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