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Charak Samhita-ChakrapaniTeeka 1.2
Charak Samhita-ChakrapaniTeeka 1.2
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 4.6MB

Publisher : Dr. Vilobh Bharatiya

  • USA
This app is particularly developed for Ayurved practitioners and students.
All sacred knowledge of Ayurveda is hidden in the ancient scripts of samhitas.
We all have our holy books with us but we can’t carry them everywhere.
This app allows you to carry your samhita with you everywhere.
You can read it anywhere and you can search any shlok and any references you desire.
In this app chakrapani tika and all pathbhedas are provided.
features –
- No need to carry Samhita Hard copy.
-You can select sthan and adhyaya in the dropdown box.
-You can search specific shlok no. in adhyaya.
-For the sake of better reading the ‘Pathbhedas’ from shloka are separated and given below under Pathbheda heading. Whereas Pathbhedas in Teeka are provided next to original word

This application used libraries
https://github.com/JakeWharton/android ViewPagerIndicator

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