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Battle Bricks 0.3.11
Battle Bricks 0.3.11
Authorize : Freeware

Size : 23k

Publisher : Irtza Sharif

OS Support : 1.6 and up

  • USA
This is a game collection of old-fashioned games.This takes very little memory on your phone!Its small size and ability to play multiple games allows for hours of entertainment makes it a perfect mobile companion.Note - there is an ad at the bottom of the menu screen, but none in game play.
Currently it consists of Rally - an endless back-and-forth volley game between you and the computer.
Battle Bricks - brick-breaking tennis playing mash-up - break more bricks than the computer and don't let the ball get by your paddle!You get points for breaking bricks and penalties if the computer breaks a brick or gets a ball by your paddle.
Four-in-a-row which can be played against the computer or against a friend (on the same device).
Still to do: save game states on exitUndo-a-move for connect 4

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