with this app you can listen to Surat As Sajdah, surah no 32 of the holy quran You do not need to do...
This app lets you listen to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by Fahad Al Kandari. Req...
This app contains the arabic text, english translation and transliteration. The benefits of Surat al...
With this app you can listen to Surat Waqiah, surah no 56 of the holy quran You do not need to downl...
This app lets you listen to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy quran by Shaykh Mishary Rashed...
Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah's messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam as sa...
The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,'There is a surah in the quran which is only thirty ...
With this app you can listen to Surat Mulk, surah no 67 of the holy Quran.You do not need to downloa...