"The bible is the Abrahamic religions (including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish and other re...
Finally, a well-designed Bible study app to complement your life on the go.holy bible for android br...
If you are looking for bible stories to read to a child The Children's Bible is great!From creat...
Listen to the Christian gospel spoken in virtually any language using The Gospel in Every Language A...
Read and share God’s Words with Bible Old Testament and New Testament(NIV) App Offline. Download n...
Current Features include:* Unlimited Text Size by Pinching Screen to Make Text Larger or Smaller (if...
The Bible as unabridged audio book. FREE: The most important passagesThe Bible unabridged reading Wi...
AuthorKent, Charles Foster, 18671925AuthorSherman, Henry A., 1870Title :The Children39;s bible Langu...
Bishop39;s bible from 1568 restored and uncut; Free Old and New TestamentsThe Bishop39;s Bible:the m...
PearBible BBE is a pretty electronic version of Bible.PearBible is a pretty electronic version of Bi...
The King James Version of the bible both the Old and New Testaments. No Apocrypha. Presented in para...
PearBible KJV is a pretty electronic version of Bible.PearBible is a pretty electronic version of Bi...
Holy Bible kjv is stand alone internet independent application. Featuring seamless navigation of the...
Bible on your mobile phone.The Bible from Greek ta biblia quot;the booksquot; is the collections of...