Perfect Viewer is A very fast image/comic viewer. *Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only...
LitRes is a free and easy to use application for reading your favorite books right on your device. W...
The French dictionary explains the meaning of French words, based on French Wiktionary. This is a mo...
Listen to audiobooks by LitRes on your Android phone or tablet.LitRes: Listen! application is the co...
Comprehensive epub, mobi, umd, txt eBook reader with seamlessly integrated dictionary Instant defini...
FBReader (FBReaderJ) is an e-book reader Supports epub, rtf, doc (MS Word), html, fb2(.zip), mobi (i...
- Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+- read formats: fb2, fbz, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, odt,...
The free offline English dictionary application explains the meaning of English words! Definitions a...
The most popular book of sex now on your phone. The original 1883 translation of the Kama Sutra by S...
eBook reader. Supports epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM),...
Enhanced TexttoSpeech plugin for FBReader eBook reader with bluetooth controlTTS Plugin is an enhanc...
Additional features for FBReader integration.Oneclick litres store access.register new use...
Adds texttospeech functionality to FBReader...
A plugin for FBReader. If this plugin is installed FBReader can scan local network for OPDS catalogs...