Marathi Katha application includes three marathi stories by Author Deepak Kadam. Stories listings ar...
A Marathi Romantic, Suspense, Thriller Novel, a book by Sunil Doiphode. A Modern love story based on...
A Hindi Horror, Suspense, Thriller Novel book by Sunil Doiphode.Hindi translation of a novel ‘Adbh...
Chinna Katha, meaning small stories are directly taken from the Divine Discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sa...
The Katha Upanishad, also titled "Death as Teacher", is one of the mukhya ("primary&q...
Sathyanarayana Pooja is the best way to seek blessings of Lord Vishnu.It is performed before and/or ...
Satyanarayan vrat is an auspicious fast in hindu religion people often perform fast and read Satyana...
Mahabharat Katha app covers all 9 Parts of Mahabharat and all characters of this Epic.It is in Hindi...
Om Sai Tat Sat This app contains 108 names of Sai in Devanagri script and the Nav Guruwar Vrat Katha...