Multi-language source code library and clipboard extender for Windows Editor: Source Code Library i...
CodeLineC can easily use to count source code, blanks and comments lines. Edit by : Key Features:-Ab...
Organize your codes EditByBSEditor: The ultimate tool for a programmer.... Helps you store all code ...
High performance VCL intended for creating analyzers and parsers of source codes BS Editor: Source C...
Counts lines in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript and PHP source files Edit by : Line Counter is a comman...
High performance VCL intended for creating analyzers and parsers of source codes Editor: Source Cod...
SQCBW indents source code lines according to the structure of the program. SQCBW Source Code Beautif...
A.M.L. Source Code - Advanced Multimedia Library by Elefun Multimedia Editor: The Elefun Company ha...
Turbo Pascal compiler written in Turbo Pascal - Source code to build a compiler Edit by : Turbo Pasc...
Manage your code snippets,article,starter kits,samples and controls. BSEditor: SourceCodeNote is a p...
Line Counter A very small and simple program I wrote to count how many lines of code a project conta...
SourceFormatX is a source code formatter and beautifier for c/c++/c#/java/pascal SourceFormatX is a ...
High performance VCL intended for creating analyzers and parsers of source codes Editor: Source Code...
High performance VCL intended for creating analyzers and parsers of source codes Source Code Scanner...