Localization tool for .NET, VC /MFC, Delphi and Java applications. BS Editor: Lingobit Localizer is ...
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter quickly converts your batch scripts to .EXE files. Editor: Advanced B...
Runtime enables Ajax developers to build rich Internet application on desktop EditByBSEditor: The ne...
HS TFTP C Source Library (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). EditBy: HS TFTP is a software library in ...
The source code for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) BSEditor: The source code for Microsoft Deplo...
How many times did you try to read a Source file but it was all black and you... Editor: How many t...
Quick Source Explorer is simple application for programmers who need to view BSEditor: Quick Source...
SSWI is a Microsoft Visual Source Safe 6 Web Interface. Editor: SSWI is a Microsoft Visual Source S...
HS TFTP C Source Library (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). EditBy: HS TFTP is a software library in ...
The source code for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) BSEditor: The source code for Microsoft Deplo...
How many times did you try to read a Source file but it was all black and you... Editor: How many t...
Quick Source Explorer is simple application for programmers who need to view BSEditor: Quick Source...
Lightweight editor program with unicode support and syntax highlighting Editor: nPad2 is designed to...
SSWI is a Microsoft Visual Source Safe 6 Web Interface. Editor: SSWI is a Microsoft Visual Source S...