Provides functionality of barcode recognition. Editor: Provides functionality of Barcode recognition...
access some features of Windows 7 and Windows Vista from managed code Edit By BS Editor: Windows庐 ...
A software component that can be added to Microsoft Windows. EditByBSEditor: The Microsoft .NET Fram...
A software component that can be added to or is included with the Windows. BSEditor: The Microsoft ....
Provides the latest updates to the .NET Framework. EditBy: The Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 ...
A software component that can be added to Microsoft Windows. Edit By BS Editor: The Microsoft .NET F...
Visual Studio UML plugin: UML diagrams, use case modeling, textual analysis... EditByBSEditor: SDE f...
Visual Studio UML modeling plugin: UML diagrams, code generation, model to code, EditByBSEditor: SDE...
UML modeling Plugin for Visual Studio: UML notation support, code generation... BSEditor: SDE for Vi...
UML tool for Visual Studio: UML diagrams, reverse engineering, code to models... Edit By BS Editor: ...
Provides functionality of barcode recognition. Editor: Provides functionality of Barcode recognition...
documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools BSEditor: The Windows SDK for Windows 7 a...
access some features of Windows 7 and Windows Vista from managed code Edit By BS Editor: Windows庐 ...
A software component that can be added to Microsoft Windows. EditByBSEditor: The Microsoft .NET Fram...