Add a multilingual ASP.NET spell checker to your Web applications quickly. General DetailQuick desig...
Enhance, manage, and track your online help Edit By BS Editor: Now 80% off on all Adobe Education-pr...
An easy-to-use terminal for communication with hardware connected to serial port Edit by : CoolTerm ...
Speller Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio (tm) BS Editor: StudioSpell is an easy to use Speller Add...
Create user accounts, contacts, groups mailboxes and free/busy information EditByBSEditor: Create us...
NOTE: FormMigrator will be deprecated 1/1/2010! EditByBSEditor: FormMigrator is your essential tool ...
viewing compiled help files in different formats Edit by : Help Explorer Server is a web-based appli...
Provides software development managers with a tool and methodology EditByBSEditor: Level5.VMS provid...
Build selection lists on the web in record time Editor: QuickList helps you build selection lists on...
Target Windows CE 5.0 based devices Editor: Service Pack 4 (SP4) allows existing eVC4 users to targ...
Protect your software from piracy and permit use according to the supplied licen Edit By BS Editor: ...
Protect your software from piracy and permit use according to the supplied licen EditByBSEditor: Pro...
Create and maintain help systems and PDF Manuals right from your website. Editor: HelpConsole 2008 ...
Designed to test those text-in/out or parameters-in/text-out based web service. Edit by : WebService...