HS COM C Source Library (Serial communication library). Edit By BS Editor: HS COM is a serial commun...
For ASP, .NET, PHP, Cold Fusion, VB, VC and other languages. EditByBSEditor: PDF Link software autom...
Win32 COM component IM COM SDK is a Win32 COM component that can be used to make MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/AIM/J...
Provide a scriptable (ActiveX) Windows NT account management object. Editor: The AcctCrt COM compon...
The Acl COM component provides a scriptable (ActiveX) set of objects. EditBy: The Acl COM component ...
All rules are composed of one or more component. BSEditor: All rules are composed of one or more com...
Management and multi-resource scheduling component software for COM-based IDEs Editor: Buy a licens...
The Zip COM DLL is a full-featured Zip manager The Zip COM DLL is a full-featured Zip manager and of...
.COM Framework is a new and universal framework of application Edit By BS Editor: .COM Framework is ...
component permits the totally automatic generation of organigrams Editor: The ExOrgChart component p...
The com component will quickly tell you how much disk space a folder is taking Editor: The com compo...
quickly generate a MD5 string from a text string or file content MD5 COM Component is for ASP, Cold ...
The com component will quickly generate a CRC32 checksum in hex or numeric. Edit By BS Editor: CRC32...
Allows you to add a stock charts support in your program Editor: The LibMaster.com StockChart libra...