Client/Server TCP/IP sockets component Visual Basic library for network comm. BSEditor: The Marshall...
CMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics EditBy: CMATH is a c...
FTP component VB library to transfer files using FTP from a VB (VB.NET) program Editor: The FTP Clie...
Office Web Components are a collection of Component Object Model (COM) controls Editor: Microsoft Of...
Have fun audio cues play as you work with Microsoft Office programs EditByBSEditor: You can install ...
This allows you to save the site summary report to a HTML file. Editor: This allows you to save the ...
RAD tool for programming Microsoft Outlook BSEditor: Add-in Express for Outlook Expressis the premie...
Add-in Expressfor Microsoft Office and CodeGear VCL EditByBSEditor: dd-in Express VCL is the first v...
Add-in Expressfor Microsoft Office and CodeGear VCL Editor: dd-in Express VCL is the first visual to...
ASPT is a software library containing a large collection of algorithms. Edit By BS Editor: ASPT is a...
TransKing is a utility tool that converts VB & VB.NET projects to C#. Basic Info of TransKingTransKi...
TransKing is a utility tool that converts VB & VB.NET projects to C#. EditByBSEditor: Basic Info of ...
Add-in gives Visual C++ 5/6 one-step search and replace for project files BSEditor: The Witzend Repl...
Provides extended support for creating localized applications. EditByBSEditor: The Multi-Language Ad...