Create TCP/IP or TCP/UDP sockets Client/Server network applications using Xbase+ EditByBSEditor: Mar...
C++ Client/Server TCP/IP sockets component library for network communication. Editor: The MarshallS...
Image FX is an image processing component library for Delphi. Editor: Image FX is an image processin...
The XMP Library for ActionScript 3 is based on the XMPCore library. EditByBSEditor: The ActionScript...
an serial communication library based on the Windows API Edit by : The Windows Standard Serial Commu...
Reads and converts WSQ (FBIs Wavelet Scalar Quantization) and 33 other formats Edit By BS Editor: Fo...
C/C++ RS232/RS485/RS422 serial port communications software library. EditBy: MarshallSoft C/C++ seri...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Editor: The Regular Expression Com...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. The Regular Expression Component L...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Edit By BS Editor: The Regular Exp...
The Snmp Library includes a Snmp Component, a Mib Service and a Trap Service. EditByBSEditor: Nstrum...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Edit By BS Editor: The Regular Exp...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Editor: The Regular Expression Com...
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. EditBy: The Regular Expression Com...