Extended TreeView is flexible hierarchical .NET control for Windows Forms. EditBy: Extended TreeView...
Extended TreeView is flexible hierarchical .NET control for Windows Forms. Editor: Extended TreeVie...
ImageProperties .NET component for working with image meta data(EXIF properties) EditBy: ImageProper...
FileMetadata.NET working with metadata of file/folders based on NTFS file system Element-IT FileMeta...
Let you present interactive flowcharts and diagrams. Edit By BS Editor: NetDiagram is a smart and po...
Serial Port Monitoring Control Component Library (SPMC) EditByBSEditor: Serial Port Monitoring Contr...
Barcode.dll is a powerful .NET component for creating barcode images. Editor: Barcode.dll is a powe...
HDD- Hard drive Physic Information, Serial number DLL SDK Component BSEditor: HDDPhysic is a stand-a...
The Wizard Control allows you to place a control onto your .NET application. The Wizard Control For ...
Create pretty and powerful user interfaces. Heapar Essential Library allows you to Create pretty and...
A .NET component creating professional 2D Aztec image for your .NET application. BS Editor: MW6 Azte...
It is managed code component for handling serial communication EditBy: MegaPipe .NET control is a re...
MW6 QRCode .NET control is a flexible and reliable .NET component EditBy: MW6 QRCode .Net Control is...
Allows you to create FTP client applications EditByBSEditor: DecriptionPriore FTP .Net Control is an...