Professional Networking Suite for .NET. Edit By BS Editor: All .NET Ultimate Components in one packa...
Professional Networking Suite for .NET Edit by : All .NET Ultimate Components in one package. It inc...
Get a logging tool for .NET, C++ developers to log message, system resource EditByBSEditor: ViewonLo...
Free O/RM code generation tool for NHibernate object/relationalframework. Edit By BS Editor: NConstr...
Excel file manipulation engine & Excel & PDF report generation for .NET. Editor: 100% managed code E...
Provides an environment that application development yet delivers advanced tool Edit by : Microsoft ...
Creating, debugging and deploying applications BSEditor: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional i...
An object-oriented numerical library for Delphi and .NET developers. EditByBSEditor: Dew Lab Studio ...
Provides an integrated environment of tools and server infrastructure EditByBSEditor: Microsoft Visu...
High performance numerical, statistical and dsp library for Delphi/C++. Dew Lab Studio includes Dew ...
Provides an integrated environment that simplifies application development EditBy: Microsoft Visual ...
Simplifies solution development, lowering risk and increasing return. EditByBSEditor: Microsoft Visu...
April Release of the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit The Visual Studio 2010 and...
To display and interactively and/or programmatically modify 3D models. Edit By BS Editor: KernelCAD ...