XScene is DirectX based 3D library for Delphi and C++ Builder. BSEditor: DXScene is DirectX based 3D...
Adding Authenticode Digital Signatures to Windows PE Format executables X2Net SignCode 1.1 is a smal...
Automates extracting, updating, and removing of resources from PE files. The BatchResourceUpdater (B...
Win32 DLL to compress , uncompress , delete , test and list zip files Edit By BS Editor: The RSP Zip...
BlockEngine is a component for creating professional-looking vector graphics Edit by : BlockEngine i...
FlashEngine is a set of components for Delphi and C++ Builder. EditByBSEditor: FlashEngine is a set ...
Compresses win32 modules (EXE, DLL, etc..) while leaving them fully functional. BS Editor: PECompact...
Smoothly animated image thumbnail list and image thumbnail picker. BSEditor: Smoothly animated image...
Laja is primarily a code generator and a parser generator. Editor: Laja is a combined code generato...
DirectUI,DirectUI Library,BodSoft,DirectUI Download,Library Download Edit by : BodSoft DirectUI Libr...
Providing money and currency classes to complement Java 5 onwards. BS Editor: Joda-Money is a moneta...
Office 2007 / Windows Vista style button. EditByBSEditor: Feature overview: * Office 2007 style, Win...
Help you to create specifications for Linq queries. Edit by : LinqSpec is a framework that will help...
Allowing for creation of junctions (virtual folders) SHJunction is a free utility to manage NTFS rep...