C++ Client/Server TCP/IP sockets component library for network communication. Editor: The MarshallS...
A communication component DLL library used to create server and client programs. BSEditor: The Marsh...
Client/Server TCP/IP sockets component Visual Basic library for network comm. BSEditor: The Marshall...
Win/CE Standard Serial Communications Library for eVB BS Editor: The Windows/CE Standard Serial Comm...
an serial communication library based on the Windows API Edit by : The Windows Standard Serial Commu...
SMTP/POP3/IMAP Visual FoxPro email component library to send and receive mail. Editor: MarshallSoft ...
Xbase++ component for RS232 or multidrop RS422/RS485 serial port communications. Edit By BS Editor: ...
FTP FoxPro component library to transfer files using FTP from within a program BSEditor: The FTP Cli...
C/C++ RS232/RS485/RS422 serial port communications software library. EditBy: MarshallSoft C/C++ seri...
dBase software for RS232 or multidrop RS422/RS485 serial port communications. Editor: The Windows S...
PowerBASIC RS232 serial port communications component library EditBy: The Windows Standard Serial Co...
Delphi software for RS232 or multidrop RS422/RS485 serial port communications. Edit By BS Editor: Ma...
Visual Basic RS232/R485/RS422 serial port communications software library BSEditor: The Marshallsoft...
Serial communication Win/CE library for serial port communications for eVC++. Edit by : Serial commu...