Web-based HMI/SCADA/M2M software framework for .NET and Silverlight. Editor: CSWorks is a web-based...
A database for Delphi supports a large SQL feature set and of fers. Edit by : Delphi database suppor...
CodeNGen is a C# n-tier code generation tool. EditByBSEditor: CodeNGen is an n-tier code generator w...
Make the creation and usage of Data Access Objects as easy as ABC Make the creation and usage of Dat...
Make the creation and usage of Data Access Objects as easy as ABC EditBy: Make the creation and usag...
VCL/VCL.NET/CLX component library for fast direct access to Oracle. EditByBSEditor: Oracle Data Acce...
VCL/VCL.NET/CLX library for direct access to InterBase, Firebird, and Yaffil EditBy: InterBase Data ...
VCL/VCL.NET/CLX component library for fast direct access to SQL Server. Editor: SQL Server Data Acc...
This is the security patch for MDAC as described in the MS04-003 bulletin. Edit by : This is the sec...
Office Web Components are a collection of Component Object Model (COM) controls Editor: Microsoft Of...
Collection of Component Object Model (COM) controls. This download contains several important securi...
IDAC: the best in BDE migration and rapid VCL client-server/n-tier development Luxena Informix Data ...
Defines major database access operations in an easy usable API. Editor: What is JDBaccess?JDBaccess ...
Transparent server-independent interface for working with different databases. Editor: Universal Dat...