IntelliJ IDEA UML plugin: UML diagrams, use case modeling, textual analysis... BSEditor: SDE for Int...
UML modelling Plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA: UML diagrams, textual analysis, CRC Edit By BS Editor: SDE ...
UML Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA: UML diagrams, Rational Rose, XMI import/export Editor: SDE for Intell...
UML modelling tool for IntelliJ IDEA: UML OO CASE tool - OOA, OOD, OOP, ... BS Editor: SDE for Intel...
IntelliJ IDEA UML tool: UML diagrams, diagram export - SVG, PNG, JPG, and more BS Editor: SDE for In...
IntelliJ IDEA UML CASE plug-in: UML diagrams - use case, class, deployment, ... EditByBSEditor: SDE ...
UML tool for IntelliJ IDEA: UML diagrams, reverse engineering, code to models... Edit by : SDE for I...
IntelliJ IDEA UML modeling tool: Full software development life-cycle support... SDE for IntelliJ ID...
IntelliJ IDEA UML modeling plugin: UML diagrams, code generation, model to code, EditBy: SDE for Int...
UML modeling tool for IntelliJ IDEA: An object-oriented software modeling tool.. Edit By BS Editor: ...
UML modeling Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA: UML notation support, code generation,... Editor: SDE for In...
IntelliJ IDEA UML plug-in: UML diagrams, code generation, code to model, ... Edit by : SDE for Intel...
UML CASE tool for IntelliJ IDEA: An object-oriented software development tool... Editor: SDE for In...
IntelliJ IDEA UML modeling tool: Full life-cycle support - analysis, design... BSEditor: SDE for Int...