Create your own personalized multi-media greeting cards using Visual C++. Would you like to Create y...
SMTP/POP3/IMAP C++ email component library to send, receive and parse mail. BSEditor: The MarshallSo...
Brings the power of vectorized programming to the PC. EditByBSEditor: Brings the power of vectorized...
Direct C++ to C# translator BSEditor: Direct C++ to C# translator, translates one of the languages t...
Code relocator for x86 and Borland C++ / Turbo Pascal EditByBSEditor: Code relocator for processors ...
Learn how to create embedded SQL database applications using Visual C++ Editor: Would you like to k...
MarshallSoft Dialup Networking (DUN) Component for C/C++. Editor: MarshallSoft Dialup Networking (D...
Code Browser for C/C++: integrate editor,analyzer and documentation generator EditBy: Visual Browser...
Duild fast and robust object-relational database applications for the desktop. Editor: Valentina C+...
Convert C source code into Delphi/Pascal source code. Editor: Convert C source code into Delphi/Pasc...
Pascal to C/C++ converter This is yet another Pascal to C/C++ converter. The primary idea of this co...
Provides a superset of C with salient extensions Edit By BS Editor: Ch Student Edition contains all ...
Ch is for shell programming, scripting, numerical computing, 2D/3D plotting EditByBSEditor: Ch suppo...
A database system with convenient C++ interface Editor: Object-Relational Database Management Syste...