An integrated software development tool that provides strong object oriented ... An integrated softw...
HS Sockets C Source Library for Windows Win Mobile and Linux. EditBy: HS Sockets is a C Source Code ...
A C++ class which enables the developer to recognize data types in compile-time. EditBy: TypeRecogni...
FASTCUBE is a tool for effective data analysis. EditByBSEditor: FastCube is a set of fast desktop OL...
An add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly. Edit By BS Editor: Fas...
Workspace Whiz is a powerful add-in for VS .NET 2002/2003/2005/2008 and VC++ 6. Edit By BS Editor: W...
A database system with convenient C++ interface Editor: Object-Relational Database Management Syste...
A database system with convenient C++ interface BSEditor: Object-Relational Database Management Syst...
A modern programming language, designed to be simple and easy to learn. Editor: Scriptol is a Moder...
A modern programming language, designed to be simple and easy to learn. Editor: Scriptol is a Modern...
A package of 13 common instrumentation interface, graphic components for C++ BS Editor: package of 1...
A package of 13 common instrumentation interface, graphic components for C++ EditBy: package of 13 c...
Octopod is a complete visual development tool for C++ programming. Octopod for C++ 3.1 is visual mu...
This is a Microsoft Agent VCL component for Borland C++ Builder. Editor: A Microsoft Agent 2.0 wrapp...