a suite of controls which can display as transparent Editor: Purple Parrot TransparentControls Activ...
present data in a grid format similar to MSFlexGrid Edit By BS Editor: Purple Parrot SimpleGrid1 Act...
The Trend control is a powerful charting component . BS Editor: The Trend control is a powerful char...
a numeric display similar to an automobiles odometer or tripometer. Editor: The Odometer control p...
simulate data changing, object moving, liquid flowing and make 3D text animation EditByBSEditor: The...
The Percent control provides a versatile percentage interface used to indicat... Editor: The Percen...
The Indicator provides a group of graphical bars that indicate multiple strea The Indicator provides...
The NumberLed is a excellent seven/fifteen segments LED . The NumberLed is a excellent seven/fifteen...
a versatile input/output instrument graphic component for display gauge/slider. BSEditor: The Slider...
A multi-purpose and highly customizable graphic component which can be design... Edit by : A multi-p...
The Selector is a rotating switch component with multiple selections. It prov... Editor: The Selecto...
The Toggle Switch control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF indicator. It di... Edit By BS Editor: ...
The Meter is a multi-purpose, highly customizable angular gauge component for... EditBy: The Meter i...
A customizable instrument activex component to display air and plane gauge. Editor: CST AirGauge su...