Document.Editor is a multitab .Net based text editor for Windows Editor: Document.Editor is a MultiT...
Ben Editor is a basic text editor with custom colors and fonts. Edit By BS Editor: Ben Editor is a B...
Edit any scanned document without loseing anything. Edit By BS Editor: Edit any scanned document wit...
INI Editor is a text editor with syntax highlighting for INI files. Edit by : INI Editor is a text e...
CE Pad is a professional text editor. It focuses on content instead of format. Editor: CE Pad is a p...
Professional multi-language text editor; Unicode/ANSI/UTF-8/GBK/Big5 conversions Edit By BS Editor: ...
Extract and view text information in Adobe PDF documents Ever wondered how can you Extract the reall...
Amazing Text Editor for plain text Edit by : A Simple Text editor with some word processor like feat...
Use a word processor specially designed for authors, screenwriters. BSEditor: A Portable Text Editor...
EmEditor is a free text editor for Windows that fully supports Unicode. EditBy: EmEditor Text Editor...
Transliteration based Malayalam text editor for Windows and Unix. Transliteration based Malayalam te...
txtPro Text Editor is your fast all-in-one multi language code editor. Editor: txtPro Text Editor is...
DOS-based text editor makes writing simpler and more productive Edit By BS Editor: The Witzend Edito...
EmEditor is a text editor for Windows that fully supports Unicode and plug-ins. Editor: EmEditor Tex...