Manage Remote connections (RDP, FTP, VNC, ICA, HTTP... ) and virtual machines. BSEditor: Remote Desk...
Manage remote connections from within application. Manage remote connections from within application...
Remote Access and Remote Control. Editor: Remote Access and Remote Control.Key TechnologiesRemote Ac...
XL Screen Streamer allows others to view your desktop using a web browser. Edit By BS Editor: XL Scr...
mRemoteNG is an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. BS Editor: mRemoteN...
remote desktop management solution for professionals Edit By BS Editor: EMCO Remote Desktop Professi...
Manage multiple Remote Desktop connections on a computer. C3C Remote Desktop Manager (rdcmgr) is an ...
mRemote is a full-featured, multi-tab remote connections manager. BSEditor: mRemote is a full-featur...
mRemote is a full-featured, multi-tab remote connections manager. Editor: mRemote is a full-featured...
Allows administrators to create & deploy shortcuts to remote PC on the network EditByBSEditor: PC Re...
A tool for administrators who need remote access to their servers and desktops Remote Desktop Profes...
Allows you to store your remote connections in a simple yet powerful interface. Edit by : mRemote is...
Actually this is a handy remote printer manager. Edit by : Actually this is a handy Remote Printer M...
Remote printer manager is an tool to add, remove and modify network. Editor: Remote Printer Manager ...