Free file-encryption tool for everyone! BSEditor: Free AVFileCrypter enables you to encrypt and Pass...
Diary text file in to another file that she will be able to decrypt later. EditByBSEditor: The idea ...
After a long search for a simple and secure file encryption utility EditBy: After a long search for ...
Lock and hide files,folder and drives on local computer Edit By BS Editor: Ainishare File Lock Stand...
File encryption software program that can password protect and hide files Edit by : File Lock PRO is...
Quickly Encrypt, Compress and Email Confidential Windows Files BS Editor: ByteShift FileCrypt remove...
Powerful encryption keeps your files safe Editor: This Encryption Program lets you easly encrypt/de...
One free and powerful file encryption for the Windows platform. Edit by : Free For EveryoneOne power...
Encryption software to encrypt or decrypt files EditByBSEditor: MEO is a powerful data encryption ap...
SafeHouse protects, hides and encrypts your sensitive documents and folders. SafeHouse provides tota...
High Power Encryption - Military strength file encryption software. BSEditor: High Power Encryption ...
File Encryption is free software to encrypt confidential data on your computer. Editor: File Encryp...
DSE is a file encryption program. Edit by : DSE is a File Encryption program. you can free download ...
512 Bit, Transparent, On-The Fly Disk Encryption, Strong Security Made Easy. Editor: 512 Bit, Trans...