goText++ Desk! is a free software to send free SMS. Edit by : GoText++ Desk! is a free software to s...
goText++ Desk! is a free software to send free SMS Edit by : GoText++ Desk! is a free software to se...
SMS software to send SMS and receive SMS from PC with GSM modem/phone. Free demo Editor: SMS softwa...
BMon is a Bluetooth monitor suite that monitors Bluetooth devices. EditBy: BMon is a Bluetooth monit...
Type in a message, its converted to speech and sent to 1 or 1,000 telephones. Edit by : Rapid Mobili...
SimCardExplorer is software that allows you to manage data on your SIM card. Edit by : SimCardExplor...
English Sound Module for Oxford dictionaries Editor: English Sound Module for Oxford dictionary cont...
Complete Quran text in English (Yousuf Ali). EditBy: Complete Quran text in English (Yousuf Ali). Ch...
LexSpell American English can check your mistakes in your Palm email EditByBSEditor: LexSpell Americ...
reduce typing time several times and increase writing accuracy on your S60 phone Edit By BS Editor: ...
A J2ME mobile phone English-Russian picture dictionary EditBy: I Need Russia is a running on J2ME mo...
English-German and German-English bidirectional dictionary for mobile phones. EditBy: English-German...
Italiamo is a handy Italian-English dictionary and a Hangman game in Italian Editor: Italiamo! is a ...
Great dictionary for Chinese language students. BS Editor: Learn Chinese today and speak with confid...