BillQuick CE allows BillQuick users to fill out their time cards on their PDA EditByBSEditor: BillQu...
as a comprehensive ToDo manager to replace the rather limited Task manager Edit by : RMRTask (WM) - ...
PocketC for WindowsCE is an easy development tool for WindowsCE-based devices PocketC for WindowsCE ...
Running applications and tasks control Edit by : Running applications and tasks control, ability to ...
Monitor Mobile Phone Text Messages and Calls online EditBy: What is Mobile Spy Smartphone Monitoring...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC.
ActiveSync is a syn...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC. BS Editor: ActiveSyn...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC. EditByBSEditor: Acti...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC. EditBy: ActiveSync i...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC. BSEditor: ActiveSync...
Synchronize your Windows Mobile-based device with a Windows powered desktop PC. ActiveSync is a sync...
Monitor and retrieve information from your device BSEditor: PocketTools is a complete and essential ...
Easily switch between the applications that are running on you PocketPC device. EditBy: Pocket Task ...
Execute, switch, and close programs by SmallMenuPlus. Editor: SmallMenu/SmallMenuPlus are Pocket PC ...