SipTelecoms AdiPhone is SIP softPhone for the Microsoft WINDOWS environment. SipTelecoms AdiPhone is...
Professional VOIP server for-Windows platform. miniSipServer is a professional VOIP server for Micr...
Embedded Windows CE VOIP SIP or H323 Developers Kit EditByBSEditor: Embedded Windows CE VOIP Develop...
BizPBX is a Free Phone System with Conference, IVR, Record, Voicemail, Soft Fax Edit By BS Editor: B...
Freeware SIP interactive voice response system Editor: TekIVR is a SIP Interactive Voice Response Sy...
Configurable IVR application to send and receive messages. EditByBSEditor: INS is a highly configura...
Deliver a high quality caller experience for any organization. Editor: Voicent IVR Studio is design...
Voice Call is an answering machine and telephone dialer with Caller ID and more. Voice Call is an an...
Enables users to share one Internet connection for voice and video conferencing. Editor: Enables us...
Create IVR systems, answering machines, detect caller ID and much more! Editor: What can be done wit...
TERAVoice is a high-performance telephony platform for Windows. BS Editor: TERASENS is proud to anno...
Enable a Windows or Web application to bring important information to its user Edit by : No more exp...
Helps businesses increase productivity and reduce telecommunication costs. EditByBSEditor: Sipcat is...
create your own interactive voice response system quickly, easily,and accurately EditBy: MoneyLine S...