Embedded Windows CE VOIP SIP or H323 Developers Kit EditByBSEditor: Embedded Windows CE VOIP Develop...
Enables voice and text communication with other Skype users. BS Editor: IM+ for Skype is a fully app...
Myspace Friend Adder! Add from Myspace Browse with demographics of your own choo Edit By BS Editor: ...
Free Softphone for Windows. Works with any SIP/ VOIP provider and SIP PBX Editor: Free VOIP / SIP ph...
Cute SMS Manager software is a bulk message broadcasting utility. Edit By BS Editor: Cute SMS Manage...
2SendSMS is an application using which you can send free sms to turkey. Editor: 2SendSMS is an appli...
Pocket PC to cell phone bulk messaging software creates and send unlimited SMS Editor: PDA to cell p...
Pocket PC mass messaging software transmit unlimited SMS from PDA, smart phone Pocket PC Bulk SMS Me...
CheckNotifications will remove these notification events The Pocket PC 2003 OS appears to have a bug...
Tricorder for Pocket PC is a Sci-Fi Scanner for the Pocket PC BS Editor: A Sci-Fi Scanner for the Po...
Appointment Today Screen plug-in for the Pocket PC BS Editor: Do you want a quick way to view your m...
Pocket PC to mobile bulk SMS tool is used to send job alerts invitation greeting Editor: Pocket PC t...
Your Personal Translator for Windows Mobile/Pocket PC Devices. A talking English-Spanish/Spanish-Eng...
vxHpc - High Performance Serial and Telnet Communications Software. Edit by : vxHpc allows you to Co...