Medical acronyms and abbreviations offer convenience but can be confusing and difficult to decode. That makes this dictionary, with thousands of acronyms and abbreviations from all medical specialties...
Study with Medical Terminology Flashcards. Learn from 13 pre-made decks. Or create your own decks and add pre-made or self made entries.Thousands of pre-made medical terminology, abbreviation, prefix,...
A new twist on medical terms and abbreviations for medical professionals and nonmedical folks alike.This application is a tongueincheek, fun natured twist on the everyday medical abbreviation dictiona...
Study with Medical Terminology Flashcards. Learn from 13 pre-made decks. Or create your own decks and add pre-made or self made entries.Thousands of pre-made medical terminology, abbreviation, prefix,...
A new twist on medical terms and abbreviations for medical professionals and nonmedical folks alike.This application is a tongueincheek, fun natured twist on the everyday medical abbreviation dictiona...
➠ "AbbStore is the Complete Resource for Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Eponyms."➠ " impressive and surprisingly useful app" (Rated 9/10)--- ★...
Study with Medical Terminology Flashcards. Learn from 13 pre-made decks. Or create your own decks and add pre-made or self made entries.Thousands of pre-made medical terminology, abbreviation, prefix,...
EMS Pocket Notes (EMSPN) is a complete EMS Field Reference Guide and data tracking application for your iPhone or iTouch. This resourceful software is ideal for any EMT, Paramedic or First Responder.T...
Emerg Nursing Pocket Notes (ENPN) is a complete Reference Guide and data tracking application for your iPhone or iTouch. Along with numerous universal features, This resourceful software also includes...
eMedic is the most popular mobile field guide for first responders, EMTs, paramedics, and other medical professionals. From acronyms to algorithms, anatomical illustrations, emergency reference cards,...
➠ "AbbStore is the Complete Resource for Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Eponyms."➠ " impressive and surprisingly useful app" (Rated 9/10)--- ★...
Floor Nursing Pocket Notes (FNPN) is a complete Reference Guide and data tracking application for your iPhone or iTouch. Along with numerous universal features, This resourceful software also includes...
AN EXHAUSTIVE DICTIONARY OF OVER 20,000 MEDICAL AND HEALTHCARE ABBREVIATIONSMedical Abbreviations and Acronyms is a quick-reference to thousands of medical abbreviations. This is an indispensable tool...
A new twist on medical terms and abbreviations for medical professionals and nonmedical folks alike.This application is a tongueincheek, fun natured twist on the everyday medical abbreviation dictiona...