FirstClass gateway that sends an alarm when an application is down. EditByBSEditor: AppAlarm: This s..
FirstClass gateway that sends an alarm when an application is down. EditByBSEditor: AppAlarm: This s..
Automate IP address management on your network with DHCP Turbo.ifconfig dhcp. Editor: Automate IP ad..
Corporate network server time synchronization server-client software. BSEditor: Network time System ..
CGI that sends a mail from a web pageform to a FirstClass Server. Editor: This shareware software s..
Monitor IIS web servers and respond to errors automatically EditBy: IIS Monitor allows you to monito..
Streamsicle is a streaming MP3 server with a built-in web server. Edit by : Streamsicle is a streami..
XTrace allows you to receive trace() data without having to be in the flash IDE. BSEditor: XTrace al..
A cross-web server, cross-platform web request dispatcher. Distributes direct... Editor: A cross-web..
Eliminate file extensions in URLs and source code for secure, friendly Web sites Edit by : PageXchan..
provides your organisation with an extensible,platform for SMS message exchange EditBy: The m2:Serve..
vxFtpSrv - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server Software. BSEditor: vxFtpSrv is a complete multi-thre..
Select services in the server to be monitored EditByBSEditor: Features : Select services in the serv..
Server Watch is a Server Monitoring Tool which is based on the Agent Technology. Edit by : Server Wa..
vxTftpSrv - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Server Software. Editor: vxTftpSrv is a simple, ea..
Allow users to monitor and restart services EditByBSEditor: Restart Services Web Panel v1.1 features..
Connect to box and collects the CDR records from the record number you specify BSEditor: The major d..
vxWeb is a complete multi-threaded web server for Windows CE-based devices Edit by : vxWeb is a comp..
Watches folders for new files and sends them to a FirstClass Server. Edit by : WatchGate: This share..
Feature rich tool for Network professionals and laymen alike. Edit by : With the Internet offering m..
Logfile Analyzing, Event Monitoring and NDS-/eDirectory Health Check Reporting Edit by : NetWare Con..
A fully RFC 1350, 2347, 2348, 2349 compliant TFTP server. Editor: Innerdive TFTP Server is a fully R..
Monitor your wireless network simply from the today screen! BS Editor: Monitor your wireless network..
Anzio Lite is part of the Anzio Family of terminal emulation products. Edit By BS Editor: Anzio Lite..
High speed secure SSL/TLS FTP server. Editor: SurgeFTP Server - An FTP server which gives you top p..