377 MB
nFREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYnnnWordPower Lite : The Perfect Learning Tool for the Ultrabusy Language LearnernnMemorize and master the pronunciation of 1 word a day in minutes, sometimes even seconds..
377 MB
nFREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYnnnWordPower Lite : The Perfect Learning Tool for the Ultrabusy Language LearnernnMemorize and master the pronunciation of 1 word a day in minutes, sometimes even seconds..
Are you interested in learning Greek, but just don't have the time?Let's face it, not everyone can commit full-time to learning a language. We know there are many things going on in your life: school,..
398 MB
nFREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYnnnWordPower Lite : The Perfect Learning Tool for the Ultrabusy Language LearnernnMemorize and master the pronunciation of 1 word a day in minutes, sometimes even seconds..
36.4 MB
Forget learning how to ask directions to the nearest municipal swimming poolnWe're here to help you learn all the most common used Japanese words in ONE week.nnAs kids we were memorizing hundreds of w..
► See Demo at grembe.com► Visit http://getsatisfaction.com/grembe - our community oriented support siteMy Pictures Talk helps you catalog, share, remember, and can teach skills to those with autis..
*** This application can be called Smart School Letter Service .*** This application can support online delivering of Smart School Letter which was delivered as hardcopy.*** This application supports ..
Choisir sa formation, son métier, son avenir... donc son orientation est une étape cruciale... A l'ISIALM, plusieurs offres de formation sont possibles... ALL ISIALM a été développé en partenari..
Grammar Police - Singapore - Chung Cheng High School Division__________________________________________________Important Note: Currently for registered users in Chung Cheng High School (Main) only - P..
Open minds application, the social portal of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), a space for expression, creation, reflection, discussion and exchange. Discover the contents of Open minds with you..
Aplicación Oficial del Eurocolegio Casvi Villaviciosa..
The British School of Bucharest app is the perfect way for everyone to have live news and information about the school at their fingertips. The British School of Bucharest app gives parents and stu..
We know student life is hard, so we decided to make it easy. StudentsConnect allows you to engage in a question and answer discussion. This simple and intuitive platform keeps you in the loop, and rew..
Schedule for the SIGINT12 (http://sigint.ccc.de/Main_Page) conference 2012..
Le cartable numérique de l’enseignement supérieur.SupCast vous permet de télécharger dans une seule application des supports pédagogiques développées par la chaîne éditoriale Scenari. De no..
EduFester is an avenue that lets you explore all the educational and other events of infotainment. We will promote all the important happenings in academia and corporate sectors happening around you...
Aceda à sua plataforma de comunicação Weduc através do seu dispositivo móvel e acompanhe as partilhas mais importantes das escolas e professores que fazem parte da sua vida educativa.Comente as p..
Beratungsangebot für Jugendliche und Eltern:* Einzelberatung* Offene Sprechstunde* Gruppenchat/Themenchat* ForumANONYM - KOSTENLOS - PROFESSIONELL**************************************************bke..
Green Steps tracks the paths of people and inform them of the environmental impact. The app evaluates the weight of environmental resources that are consumed in a journey based on the mode of transpor..
Flashez les QR Code sur les badges que porteront vos anciens camarades de promo lors de la soirée des 10 ans de la LPCM qui aura lieu le 25 mai 2012 à Cergy-Pontoise.Cela vous permettra de garder en..
Sdu Uitgevers organiseert op 19 juni de Kleine Kantoren Dag 2012. Deze dag voorziet de deelnemers van informatie over belangrijke aspecten voor de advocaatondernemer en juridisch inhoudelijke interess..
Pupilsmobile is a simple app to check the school notification ,alert on mobile.User can view alert, notification after login...
The Stanford Connected app is really about accomplishing one objective: To Expand the Reunion Weekend in space and time!Here’s what we mean - by registering and downloading the app you’ll have acc..
Mit der webinale App wird Ihr Smartphone zum mobilen Programmheft der Konferenz. Erhalten Sie einfach eine komplette Übersicht aller Sessions, Tracks und Speaker der webinale 2012, der International ..